ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Margie E. Lachman, Brandeis University | Psychological Pathways to Healthy Aging | Honoring the Baltes Legacy, May 3, 2007 | |
2. | Dr. Evelyn Higgins | Recalled Antibiotics - Healthy Aging - Link between Sodium and High Blood Pressure - Beers List - 10 Food Choices | Your Body Is A Wonderland | |
3. | Sound Medicine | 03-30-08: Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports; Essay: Extreme Fighting; Health Quiz: Baby Boomers and Alzheimers; Mind Workouts for Early-Stage Alzheimers; IU's Healthy Aging Brain Center; Checkup: | | |
4. | Drs. Gene Block and Barry Condron | Aging 101: Brain Aging: What Makes Us Age in the First Place? | U.Va Podcasting | |
5. | UMHS: Andi McDonnell | Keep your colon healthy with exercise, healthy foods | MiHealth | |
6. | Arthur Weltman and Timothy Salthouse | Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds: What's the Connection? | U.Va Podcasts | |
7. | rabble podcast network | Healthy Economy Healthy Planet | Needs No Introduction | |
8. | rabble podcast network | Healthy Economy Healthy Planet | Needs No Introduction | |
9. | Advance One | Pathways | Time To Wait | |
10. | Jason Clark | 7 Pathways to God | 7 Pathways to God | |
11. | James Asher | Pathways | Timeless Light | |
12. | Les Elite | Les Elite - Pathways 78 - 79 - Get a job | Pathways | |
13. | Philip Chapman | Pathways to Heaven | Music for Relaxation | |
14. | A World of Possibilities | Pathways to Peace | | |
15. | Carolyn Downie | Scenic Pathways ('94) | Waves at Bathsheba | |
16. | Les Elite | Les Elite - Pathways 78 - 79 - State 51 | Pathways | |
17. | Die Trip Computer Die | Contains Psychological | Flowerball | |
18. | R' Dr. Dovid Gottlieb | Psychological Needs | | |
19. | Katie Lee | It Must Be Something Psychological | Songs Of Couch And Consultation Sung By Katie Lee | |
20. | Ambrose Bierce | A Psychological Shipwreck | LibriVox Short Stories Vol. 003 | |
21. | Arthur Schopenhauer, T. Bailey Saunders trans. | 05 - Psychological observations | Studies in Pessimism | |
22. | Jurgen Wolff and Paula B. | Psychological Aspects of Writing | The Writing Show | |
23. | Lewis Roderick | Christmas Unwrapped: Isn't faith just psychological? | St Peter's Barge | |
24. | Columbia Workshop | Path and the Door - Psychological Exper | Columbia Workshop | |
25. | Ghostly Talk | GTII #01 Psychological effects of paranormal activity | | |
26. | UMHS: Andi McDonnell | Compulsive hoarding poses safety and psychological risks | MiHealth | |
27. | Scott Feinberg | Tomei on the psychological motivations for the relationship between Cassidy and Randy | Scott Feinberg's Album | |
28. | Jack Clark | 47-Coulter vs. The Jersey Girls: Ann's Real Agenda & Her Underlying Psychological Disorder | Blast the Right | |
29. | Computerworld/Ian Lamont/Joyce Carpenter | Computerworld Input/Output: The psychological impact of IT layoffs; tech addictions taken too far? | | |
30. | Science Friday Podcast | Hurricane Rita - Engineering, Storm Surge, Psychological Effects -- SciFri 2005092311 | Hurricane Rita - Engineering, Storm Surge, Psychological Effects | |